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Data Connections


While consumers maintain complete control of their data,   settings, and permissions, they've teamed up with brands to  put their data to work.

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DashLX practices best-in-class data security and compliance.

Our data policies also ensure complete transparency – a value we hold dear after years of collecting & syncing our own data as individual consumers.
Our goal is to make sure consumers never need to worry about or wonder about how their data is being used.
Data in. Data out.

DashLX Profile Page allows consumers to see their authorized connections

Consumers can visit their DashLX Profile Page to see their authorized connections – data flowing in and data flowing out – all in one place.
Connected Data Sources, including consumer fitness tracker devices and apps, will send new data to DashLX automatically. Consumers link new devices or remove  authorizations.
The DashLX Profile Page shows which brand organizations consumers are connected to and are active innovation drivers within the ecosysytem.
Activate research programs, events, personalized consumer outreach and experiences, all uniquely driven by  DashLX data.
Concerned? No need.

Data is only shared through the connections chosen

Consumer data is only shared through the connections and permissions consumers choose.
User control is granular, with options at the level of each individual device authorization and data sharing.
Going off the grid? Consumers can modify any or all connections instantly, with the click of a button.
Illustration showing concerns about using DashLX

Ready to get started?

Click below for more information on how to use LX Data to drive strategic initiatives across your organization.